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Recent News

Confirmed: Government led by the ear by Department of ‘Do Nothing’

Late into Wednesday night, as the Budget Estimates hearing was coming to a close, it was confirmed once and for all that the Government is led by Brisbane bureaucrats who are ideologically opposed to progress or development in North Queensland. The Director General for the…

“Intensive” On-Country program not a patch on KAP’s ‘Send ’em Bush’ policy: Katter

Despite what the Premier and Youth Justice Minister say, their attempt at adoption the Katter’s Australian Party (KAP) ‘Send ’em Bush’ won’t deliver the outcomes that Queensland desperately needs, the KAP Leader and Member for Traeger, Robbie Katter has said today. Five months after the…

Stone walls, not Big Rocks – Katter slams Government inaction forcing Council’s hand

The Katter’s Australian Party (KAP) Leader and Member for Traeger, Robbie Katter has slammed the Labor Government and their ideologically driven departments, while backing the Charters Towers Regional Council’s decision to wipe their hands of the Big Rocks Wier Project “This just demonstrates that the…

Tinkering around the edges won’t save lives – Remote patients’ continued neglect

The Katter’s Australian Party (KAP) Leader and Member for Traeger, Robbie Katter has today welcomed minor adjustments to the Patient Travel Subsidy Scheme but has lashed out saying that people are choosing to die in their community rather than undertake unaffordable travel to major centres….

Regional landholders facing Armageddon of invasive weeds

22 May 2024 North West Queensland private landholders are under siege from invasive weeds, abandoned by a neglectful Queensland government that has turned a blind eye to their struggles, Katter’s Australian Party (KAP) Leader and Member for Traeger, Robbie Katter said. “After years of neglect…

North-Queensland solution to fill Brisbane’s policy void

Seven years. Katter’s Australian Party (KAP) announced our Relocation Sentencing Policy seven long years ago.  Detailing the North-Queensland developed solution that we know will work – remote relocation, mandatory sentencing for repeat offenders, fixed term sentencing, and intensive rehabilitation. Those who do the crime must…

Contact Details


P: (07) 4730 1100
F:  (07) 4743 3386
Visit: 18 Miles Street
Post: PO Box 1968, Mount Isa, QLD 4825


P: (07) 4787 2139
Visit: Shop 2, Stock Exchange Arcade, 76 Mosman Street
Post: Shop 2, Stock Exchange Arcade, 76 Mosman Street, Charters Towers, QLD, 4820

Local Call within the electorate

P: 1800 801 569


[email protected]