This Saturday, the people of the Callide electorate will go to the polls again.

Former Member Colin Boyce was successful last month in his tilt for a Federal seat, and so his old State electorate must return to the polls.

Most people have had enough of politics for the time being, including politicians (hand raise), so it does seem particularly cruel timing but here we ago.

The people of Callide, and Queensland, should be particularly interested in this by-election for a couple of reasons. It is about a lot more than just the political inclinations of a dozen or so communities in Central Queensland.

Some Queenslanders may not be familiar with the Callide region, but I liken it to the engine room of the state.

A coal mining, gas exploration and power-producing hub, Callide also encompasses a vast and valuable agricultural area.

Essentially Callide feeds and powers much of Queensland, but you wouldn’t know it from the recognition afforded to it and its industries by both Labor and the LNP.

This by-election is an opportunity for Queenslanders to send a message about the impact of Net Zero policies on Queensland’s regions.

If Net Zero is ever to be realised, Callide will truly be its ‘ground zero’. Its communities may cease to exist.

Callide has been historically well-represented by the Country and Nationals parties, neither of which still exist.

The modern LNP outfit of Queensland ought to drop to ‘N’ and be honest with people. When it comes to the issues and industries that define the future of Callide, like Net Zero, coal mining and reef regulations, they are no different than the Labor Party and the Greens.

The people of Callide, and Queensland, deserve better.

Robbie Katter

Katter’s Australian Party (KAP) Leader


Photo caption: Adam Burling and Robbie Katter MP in Callide.

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